Political Engagement

With the election coming up in September I am new to this whole voting thing. I have never taken an interest or had any involvement in politics. After taking the vote compass test it said that I had a high percentage for labour. When taking this quiz it didn’t change my mind or help me in any way choose who I should be voting for im choosing to vote Liberal as that is what my parents have always done.

I didn’t get a chance to sign an e-petition as I didn’t get a chance to find one, I have previously signed one about stopping whaling at the Elanora Library. I didn’t want to comment on a major news site about politics as I don’t have enough knowledge about each parties.

President Obama speaks for the 50th anniversary of the march on Washington. He gave the speech at the exact time and date Dr Martin Luther King gave his speech “I have a dream” (Sherwell P, 2013). I found an article last year that was written from Barack Obama talking about internet freedom and that he was all for it. I’m sure if I looked around on the Internet I could send him a message. I saw that he had a twitter account that I could possibly contact him on or make a comment about the situation.

In 2009 the Australian Government tested an internet filter called the “ Clean Feed”. The filter is to track overseas websites and keep children safe from child pornography and black list them (Ensbry J, 2009).

The national Broadband Network is set to start construction December 2012 in phases with the last construction scheduled to commence in September 2014 in the Nerang area. The NBN is going to have fast internet speeds for everyone at an affordable price.


Ensbry J 2009, The Australian government’s new internet filter program sets a worrying precedent for the democratic world, viewed 28 August 2013, http://www.thecommentfactory.com/the-australian-governments-new-internet-filter-program-is-a-worrying-precedent-for-the-democratic-world-1915/

Sherwell, P 2013, “I have a dream” anniversary:50 years on, Barack Obama ‘stands on the shoulders’ of Martin Luther King, viewed 28 August 2013, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/10272306/50-years-on-Obama-stands-on-the-shoulders-of-Martin-Luther-King.html

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